Welcome Back, Kotter: Bar-Bar-Barbarino

The Bee Gees weren’t the only sexy fellows with long wavy hair who slipped into gold lamé and sang their hearts out during the 1970s. We mustn’t forget about the “Sicilian Songbird” – the one, the only Vinnie Barbarino. Here he is comin’ at ya “live” from the “Sweathog Telethon” in Brooklyn, New York (aka ABC Television Studios in Los Angeles) in February of 1976.

Nobel Laureate Vincent Barbarino, Feb. 1976

John Travolta played “Sweathog” Vinnie Barbarino in 78 episodes of Welcome Back, Kotter on ABC TV between 1975 and 1979. After Travolta’s movie career exploded into the stratosphere with Carrie, Saturday Night Fever, and Grease, he began appearing on Kotter less and less. He shoved his last rubber hose up a nose in the “Barbarino’s Baby” episode of February 3rd, 1979.

The Barbarino dance, however, lives on forever. Evidence on display below.

Welcome Back, Kotter Wiki, Kotter IMDb

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