Sunday 70s Spots: Kraft Parkay Margarine & Spaghetti Meals (1974)

"Butter?!" (Parkay margarine commercial, 1974)

“Butter?!” (Parkay margarine commercial, 1974)

“The flavor says, ‘Butter.'”

Hello, TV pals. Welcome back. Sunday’s commercial theme is Kraft Foods. Firstly, a fun spot in the long-running series of Parkay margarine “Butter!” commercials. The actress in the spot is pretty wonderful. If anyone can tell me her name, chime in with the comments. I can tell you that the voice of the Parkay tub is Michael Bell. I studied voice acting with the man and have an old demo reel of his with a Parkay spot on it.

After that, we have a Kraft Spaghetti and Meat Sauce dinner commercial. Both spots aired in January of 1974 and would have been created in 1973. “Parkaaay!”

Kraft Parkay Margarine Commercial, 1974

Kraft Spaghetti & Meat Sauce Commercial, 1974

Previously on 70s Spots: ‘Bugs Bunny Meets The Super-Heroes’ & ‘The Gong Show’ (1978)

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