Daily 70s Spots #373, 374: Gillette – Jerry West & Barber Shop Quartet (1973)

Shaving cream beard! You know you're trying this next shave. (Gillette Foamy commercial, 1973)

Shaving cream beard! You know you’re trying this next shave. (Gillette Foamy commercial, 1973)

“Foamy! How we love ya! How we love ya!”

Happy Sunday! Here’s two fine spots for Gillette from October of 1973.

First, a great commercial featuring the Gillette Foamy Barber Shop Quartet. This one makes its way onto the Bionic Disco all-time favorite’s list . After that, Jerry West, player and coach of the Los Angeles Lakers makes an appearance. Gillette spared no expense advertising their way through the Seventies.

Gillette Foamy Barber Shop Quartet Commercial, 1973

Jerry West For Gillette Razor Blades, 1973

Previously on 70s Spots: Daily 70s Spots #371, 372: Jack Palance For Avis, Holiday Inn (1973)

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