Daily 70s Spot #379: John Amos For Right Guard (1971)

Officer John Amos, three years before joining  'Good Times.' (Right Guard commercial, 1971)

Officer John Amos, three years before joining ‘Good Times.’ (Right Guard commercial, 1971)

“Fire yours and hire ours.”

Today, we find John Amos appearing in a Right Guard spot prior to finding fame in Good Times (1974) and Roots (1977). The commercial aired in July of 1971.

Have an excellent weekend! We’ll see you tomorrow for some cool stuff from Kellogg’s.

Right Guard Commercial With John Amos, 1971

Previously on 70s Spots: Daily 70s Spot #378: Animated Independent Insurance (1971)

More Celebrities and Right Guard: Don Rickles & Arte Johnson For Right Guard (1974 & ’75)

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