Daily 70s Spot #398, 399: Electronic Mastermind & Computer Chess (1979)

"Such mastery!" (Electronic Mastermind commercial, 1979)

“Such mastery!” (Electronic Mastermind commercial, 1979)

“I already programmed in my secret code…”

I’ve programmed in two “computerized” game commercials for us today. Firstly, one for Invicta’s Electronic Mastermind. Second, a space age spot for Fidelity Electronics’ Chess Challenger. The chess game that speaks to you!

Both commercials aired in December of 1979. Press to play.

Electronic Mastermind Game Commercial, 1979

Fidelity Electronics Chess Game Commercial, 1979

Previously on 70s Spots: Daily 70s Spot #397: Atari ’30 Games’ (1979)

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