Sunday 70s Spots: Weed Eater & Wells Fargo (1979)

Wells Fargo to the rescue! (Wells Fargo commercial, 1979)

Wells Fargo to the rescue! (Wells Fargo commercial, 1979)

“Your home is under constant threat.”

On this lazy Sunday it seems appropriate that we continue with our home improvement commercial theme. First, you’ll enjoy a humor-tinged spot for the Weed Eater yard trimmer. Yes, Weed Eater. Great name.

I recognize both of the character actors in the Weed Eater spot. I wish I could tell you their names.

After that, take in a commercial for Wells Fargo as they attempt to frighten you into buying their home safety products. Both spots aired in 1979. Kaboom!

Weed Eater Commercial, 1979

Wells Fargo Home Protection Systems Commercial, 1979

Previously on 70s Spots: Black & Decker & Solar Panels (1978)

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