70s Spots (Holidays): Disney Albums, Gimbels, Magnavox Odyssey, Publix (1974-79)

“A home video game built right into the set.”

Holiday time is here. Today, and in a few days, we’ll have some Christmas-themed commercials on display. Grab a mug of hot chocolate, kick off your shoes and enjoy spots for Walt Disney LPs, Gimbels department store, Magnavox (with built-in Odyssey game!), and Publix market.

‘Walt Disney Christmas’ Album Commercial (1979)

‘Walt Disney Christmas’ Album aired November 1979.

Gimbels Christmas Sale Commercial (1977)

Gimbels “After Christmas” Sale aired December 25, 1977.

Magnavox ‘Odyssey’ TV Commercial (Xmas, 1975)

Magnavox ‘Odyssey’ TV aired in late 1975.

Publix Market Commercial (Xmas, 1974)

Publix Market aired November 1974.

Previously on 70s Spots: Stove Top, Abbotts Ice Cream, EarthGrains, Freshen-Up Gum (1975-78)

More Disney at Bionic Disco: 70s Spots: Coke (‘Mean’ Joe Greene) & Pepsi ‘Disney Parks’ (1979)
More Magnavox Odyssey at Bionic Disco: Daily 70s Spot #552: Magnavox TV W/ Built-In Odyssey Game (1976)
More Publix at Bionic Disco: 70s Spots: Publix Market ‘Hawaiian Luau’ (1977)

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