Eighties Week: Betty Crocker, Orbit Gum, Orville Redenbacher, Parkay Commercials (1980-81)

“Bake someone happy!” Happy what’s left of the weekend! Eighties Week has rolled around again and we’re dipping into 1980 and ’81. The commercials found below feature Betty Crocker and the “Bake Someone Happy” theme, Orbit Sugar Free Gum, good … Continue reading

70s Commercials: Dodge Diplomat, Tender Vittles, Walmart, BOnz (1979)

“Test Drive Total Performance.” It’s time to linger in 1979 for a while. Here’s four vintage spots from the year featuring Dodge Diplomat (if that’s a “hidden” camera I’ll eat my hat), Tender Vittles, Walmart, and BOnz dog treats. Let … Continue reading

70s Commercials: GE FlashCubes, Dristan, Cool Whip, AMC Matador (1970-72)

Ahhh, the weekend hath almost arriveith. That means it’s time for Friday’s collection of seventies commercials. On display today, we have an animated spot for GE MagiCube FlashCubes, as well as commercials for Dristan Tablets, Cool Whip (with Michael Bell … Continue reading

70s Commercials: Fritos ‘Munch-A-Bunch’ & Mercedes-Benz (1979)

After a decade of calling these posts “70s Spots” I’m just going to start calling them “70s Commercials.” When I worked in advertising we called commercials and trailers “spots,” but I think a general audience may not make as quick … Continue reading

70s Spots: Purina, Chuck Wagon, Ford & Mercury (1974-76)

“Chow! Chow! Chow!” Hey there! It’s time to catch up on the latest vintage Seventies commercials to go up on the Bionic Disco YouTube channel. Purina ‘Chow! Chow! Chow!’ Cat Food Commercial (1975) Purina ‘Chow! Chow! Chow!’ Cat Food with … Continue reading

70s Spots: Datsun ‘Saves’ & ‘We Are Driven’ (1979)

“Datsun saves again!” A pair of Datsun commecials are up today. In the first, we have two Datsun tag lines for the price of one; “Datsun saves,’ and “We are driven!” The spot, from June 1979, extols the virtues of … Continue reading